Blue represents the ties we surround ourselves with, to feel stable, secure, free from any tension, in a balanced and harmonious situation.
The mere fact of looking at this color produces a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


Red therefore underlines the spontaneous momentum, the “willpower” and all forms of vitality and strength, from sexual capacity to the desire for revolutionary changes, it is a momentum towards action, sport, struggle, competition, heroism and productivity.


Yellow and gold manifest an open personality and indicate relaxation or power.
From a psychological point of view, relaxation is a liberation from all problems, from all setbacks. Yellow is the symbol of the warmth of the sun, of gaiety, of joy.


On a physiological level, green represents “elastic tension”, on a psychological level, the will in action, perseverance, tenacity.

Green therefore expresses firmness, resistance to change, constancy in points of view, and attributes great value to the ego in all forms of possession and self-affirmation; possession increases self-esteem and self-confidence.


White is the virgin page on which history can still be written, black is the definitive conclusion. Black and white are the two extremes, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Black, the negation, represents renunciation, abandonment, and strongly influences the choice of other colors, re-establishing their character.


Purple attempts to unify the impulsive conquest of red and the gentle submission of blue, and therefore represents identification.

This identification is a kind of mystical union, a deep intimacy of feelings that points to a total fusion between the subject and the object, which makes everything that the subject thinks and desires can become a reality.

In a sense it is the spell, the dream fulfilled, a magical state in which wishes are fulfilled.


Colorful images, such as the rainbow, let the viewer focus on one or more colors. These images are less focused on emotions and lend themselves to reviving or renovating environments.

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MI – 2695349